Soon be time for members to renew, some helpful information below Information below
When is Renewal?
- 2019/2020 membership finishes 31 March 2020
- 2020/2021 membership starts 1 April 2020
How much is renewal fees?
Membership fees for next year same as this so:- Standard membership £5.00
- Standard membership with England Athletics £21.50 *
- Standard membership with second claim England Athletic £5.00
- Adding England Athletics later (Add EA) £16.50 *
What are the dates
- 13 March 2020 (approx) – email to all members with payment request
- 31 March 2020 – membership for 2019/2020 finishes
- 1 April 2020 – membership for 2020/2021 starts
- 1 April 2020 – updates to those with EA and payments received starts to EA records (by us)
Pre-Authorised Payments
If you have pre-authorised payment, then payment will come from the bank account you have registered. We will be sending out the payments requests mid-March (about 13th) as payment takes 10 working days to reach the club bank account. therefore, we receive the money by 1 April and can keep your membership continuousWhat do I need to do?
- Make sure your details are up to date on your club profile, especially your email address so you receive the payment request.
- Check all your Redway Runners details are correct, log in link below
- If you do not want the payment to come out from your pre-authorised bank account or you have changed your bank account, log in and cancel or update your pre-authorisation, or tell us and we can do it
- If you want to change groups for your membership – mail us and let us know.
- If you do not want to renew, let us know and we will stop the payment request and your membership will end on the 31 March 2020.
- If you have linked membership, then the payment request will only go to the lead member
- Make sure you have the funds available in your account when the payment goes through in second half of March