Redway Runners affiliated with England Athletics in January 2012 and can offer individual affiliation for members. England Athletics affiliation allows individual entry to UKA affiliated races without having to pay the additional unattached levy. By choosing EA affiliation, you consent to allowing the club to pass your details to England Athletics.
Redway Runners is also affiliated to the Association of Running clubs (ARC) so this covers all members.
Members can specify Redway Runners as their first claim club, and pay the affiliation fee through us, or, it is possible to register with additional clubs (known as ‘second claim’) with no payment required for second claim.
For new or renewal of first claim England Athletics registration, you can add £20.50 to your membership fee (£25.50 in total) through your online Redway Runners profile.
If you are affiliated with another running club and want to change ‘first claim’ club to Redway Runners then you need to complete the change of club request with England Athletics details, click here
Data will be recorded for use within the club and will not be shared with any external parties, other than by affiliation with England Athletics.
Compare memberships
Race entry
England Athletics Affiliation
You can claim the £2 race entry discount on all races that have a UKA or ARC race permits
You can claim the £2 discount on all races that have a ARC race permit
If you are unsure which permit the race has we recommend you claim the £2 discount and the race secretary may ask for the additional fee (although they may not know who is affiliated and who is not in the club!!)
London Marathon Place
England Athletics Affiliation
The club will get a place(s) from England Athletics for the London Marathon as the club is affiliated. To be eligible to enter the club ballot you must be a England Athletics Affiliated member with 1st claim as Redway Runners.
Note: Club London Marathon ballot rules apply
Not eligible for the club ballot
Registration pack
England Athletics Affiliation
You will get a registration pack via email from England Athletics.
You can update your details on the EA website.
No registration details sent
England Athletics Affiliation
Cover under the England Athletics policy or the ARC policy
Cover under the ARC policy
England Athletics affiliation
EA membership is an additional £20.50, so total cost to 31 March is £25.50
Included in annual club membership of £5
Chiltern Cross Country League
England Athletics affiliation
EA Members entitled to free entry. 2nd claim members can participate but do not score.
Cannot take part