Redway Runners have a number of courses aimed at runners who want to move to the next milestone distance of 10K, half-marathon or marathon. We have developed structured training programmes to help you achieve your goals.
These are:
- 5K to 10K
- 10K to Half marathon
- Half to Full Marathon
Next Course:
*** Moving On Up to 10K – The Gentle Version *** COURSE FULL
Can you run 5k in around 40 mins and fancy stepping your distance to 10k Starting on 19 January 2025 a new course aimed specifically at gentler paced runners. We will help you progress and increase your distance to complete 10K at the MK Festival of running on 16 March 2025. If you want to challenge yourself further we will continue the course for those who wish to complete a half at MK marathon weekend Half Marathon on 5 May 2025. Long runs will be run alongside existing Sunday step up runs.
Sign up under Events on your Love Admin account
*** Moving On Up to Marathon 2025 ***
This course starts 30 December 2024 and is for runners who have recently completed the half-marathon distance, with the aim to complete a spring marathon in 2025. As time on feet quickly escalates it is strongly advised that runners should be able to complete the half marathon distance before commencing the course. This course will be set sessions looking at building running skills and endurance up the distance in a fun and friendly environment.
We will be following a structured 18-week training plan and our team will be leading weekly sessions to support you and help develop as a runner. Other training activities can be undertaken alone, within the group or within the Club structure.
You will have your own Facebook group and provide you with weekly updates, support, advice and hopefully a bit of fun, along the way.
To book this course log in to your Redway Runners profile and select the course ‘Moving Up to Marathon, Spring 2025‘ from the ‘Events’ tab.
As spaces are limited, please only sign up if you wish to run with the group. Unfortunately, every year, we have to turn a few people away once the course is fully booked.
You can do this via your Love Admin account at:
Who are my run leads?
The Move Up to Marathonis course will be led by, Sean O’Leary (CiRF) and Peter Bennett (CiRF). Assisted by Lorna Adams and Andrew Muncie.
The Move On Up to 10K course is led by Lisa Cameron (LiRF) and assisted by Jane Ball
I want to register two places on the course?
Both people need to register in their own name, so we know who we have on our courses.
Where and when are we meeting?
For the Move Up to Marathon Course Tuesday interval sessions will be held at Campbell Park Cricket Pavillion Car Park Silbury Boulevard MK9 4AD, starting at 6pm.
Sunday group runs will start from various locations around Milton Keynes, starting at 9am. Sessions are likely to include some trail running as well as running on redways.
You will be notified in advance of changes to the scheduled group session day.
How far will I have to run?
For the Move On Up to Marathon course, the sessions are usually measured over time rather than distance and the sessions length shall change as the weeks progress. Some sessions will be around 3 hours. You will always be given notice of the change in sessions.
How far should I be able to run at the start of the course?
For the Move On Up to Marathon course We strongly advise you that you should to be able to run the half marathon distance at the start of this course.
You will work at your own pace and we shall be building up the distance. All runs will operate with a loop back process so nobody will be left behind. The only pace requirement is imposed by the 15min/mile from most marathon events.
Please note that there should be no medical reason which would make running dangerous for you and if in doubt please ask your GP before attending.
What is involved in the course?
For the Move On Up to Marathon course, the course will be introducing running skills through Interval, Hill and Fartlek sessions, through supported weekly coached sessions, as well as developing running endurance through Sunday group running sessions.
Within the plan, we will be encouraging Yoga, Pilates and Core Training sessions.
At the end what can I hope for?
For the Move On Up to Marathon course, hopefully, you will be able to complete a 2025 spring marathon. You should have already secured entry to a spring marathon. Although aimed at MK Marathon in May, the course can support you to most spring marathons, with some adaptation.
What do I need?
A pair of running trainers, some comfortable clothes, fuel and a drink. If the weather is bad you will need appropriate clothing to keep you warm/dry. You may like to invest in a running belt or hydration vest for longer run sessions.
I am not a Redway Runners member can I do the course?
The course is for Redway Runners members, so you would need to join, but membership is just a bargain £5 to the 31 March, so join up then book a place.