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Cardiff October 2015

[av_heading tag=’h2′ padding=’10’ heading=’Cardiff October 2015′ color=” style=” custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’][/av_heading] [av_textblock ] Cardiff
The October 2015 UK club trip is to Cardiff for the half marathon. A number of us are staying at the Travelodges in Cardiff, Atlantic Wharf, going up on the Friday 2 October and planning the parkrun on Saturday. Then on Sunday (4 October 2015) it is the Cardiff Half Marathon a chance to take part in one of the UK’s biggest and best road races on an iconic course around Wales’ capital city, then come back on the Monday. So if you fancy joining us – get yourself booked up. If you let me or Julie Martin know can add you to the ‘Who’s Racing?‘ page on the club web-site as well.

More info:

Hotel Travelodge, Cardiff Atlantic Wharf Hotel, Atlantic Wharf, Hemingway Road, Cardiff, CF10 4JY


To enter the Cardiff half visit, the event web site at:

Cardiff parkrun

The Cardiff parkrun starts at 9:00am at Blackweir. The route consists of an out and back along the River Taff, within Bute park [/av_textblock]