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Liverpool 2014

[av_one_full first] [av_heading heading=’Liverpool Rock ‘n’ Roll’ tag=’h2′ color=” custom_font=” style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’][/av_heading] [/av_one_full][av_one_full first] [av_image src=’×147.png’ attachment=’2969′ align=’center’ animation=’no-animation’ link=” target=”] [/av_one_full][av_one_full first] [av_textblock ] DLRR Club trip – UK Looks like we are having a UK club trip, with a few of us booking and going to the first Rock ‘n’ Roll event in England which will be a Liverpool on the 25 May 2014. A number of us are staying at Travelodge in the city centre, going up on the Friday and planning the Princess parkrun, Liverpool on the Saturday. Then on Sunday the run and coming back on the Monday. So if you fancy joining us – get yourself booked up (Prices are very good at the hotel at moment but will go up when the race opens and people look for accommodation – so worth getting in early). If you let me or Julie Martin know can add you to the ‘Who’s Racing?’ page on the club web-site as well. More info: Hotel Travelodge Liverpool Central Exchange Street Hotel 38 Exchange Street East Liverpool L2 3PS Rock ‘n’ Roll Race Experience the UK’s capital city of music with the inaugural Rock ‘n’ Roll Liverpool Marathon & Half Marathon on Sunday, May 25, 2014! This unforgettable course will feature a flat and scenic tour of the city centre, starting and finishing at the iconic waterfront, and passing many famous landmarks that showcase the city’s natural charm. Princess parkrun It’s run in Princes Park, Liverpool L8 3SB on paths, although some sections of the course do accumulate mud, leaves and puddles after rain. [/av_textblock] [/av_one_full]