OU Relay at 12.30 on the 27 April – This is a great run event that have had lots of teams taking part in over the last few years
Please note that
• each team of four must include at least one woman;
• each of the four legs is 1.1 miles in length;
• there will be an entry fee of £5 per team, payable on the day when you collect the team numbers from outside the pavilion;
• team members should wear the appropriate number and letter combination ie Runner 1 to pin the card number A999 to front of vest, Runner 2 to pin B999, Runner C to pin C999 and Runner D to pin D999;
• the start and handovers and finish will take place on the cricket field in front of the Open University pavilion on the Walton Hall campus, Milton Keynes;
• there will be awards for the first team, the first OU team and for teams with a combined age (on race day) of greater than 120, 160, 200, 240 and 280 years.
• there is a map of the route here https://www.facebook.com/ Salford19/photos/ a.510411945673488.107374182 6.510407845673898/ 875580032490009/ ?type=3&theater
The first named person in each team, is the team captain, who collected the teams entry money (£1.25 per person), pays, collects the numbers and passes out numbers to the team and shouts at team members – well provides encouragement. You must run in the order below of your team.
Meet on the field by the Pavilion at 12.15 for a big green photo – do not forget you green tops (and that £1.25)
If anyone has to drop out please find a replacement so your team does not have to drop out – also parking can be very busy so leave extra time or car share
Dusk & Dawn
- Annie Higson
- Gareth Turner
- Gareth Snelson
- Sean O’Leary
- Chris Ciliberti
- Rachel Edwards
- Martin Lawrence
- Gavin Lucas
- Jonathan Clements
- Adam Sharman
- Julie Martin
- Neville Rowles
- Gillian Sheppard
- Joey Garner
- Carlo Scarito
- Tina McGreal
- Nigel Gale
- Neil Higson
- Julian Badham
- Juliet Thompson
- Chris Brown
- Jane Lee
- Mieke Jordan
- Jim Lawrence
- Alex Wright
- Sarah Lawrence
- James Dwight
- Mark Atkinson
- Colin Kightley
- Ian Stevens
- Andrew Baldwin
- Julia Baldwin
- Mike King
- Lindsay O’Kane
- Graeme Bickle
- Paul Newton