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Malta Club Trip

  Redway Runners first overseas  club trip of 2020 will be to Malta for the 2020 GIG Malta Marathon on 1 March 2020 Post trip review click here The Event has both a full marathon and a half marathon — We have a Facebook page for the event with more details are at: Flights Plenty of flights available and Ryanair fly from Luton   Accommodation A number of people going are looking at accommodation in the Sliema area   Race The event web site is at:   Insurance Do not forget to take out your own insurance cover   Note You are arranging this trip yourself and should be aware that dates of events can change and Redway Runnners cannot be help responsible for any changes made to any element of the trip   After you have booked, remember to let Simon Richards know so you can be added to the clubs ‘who is racing where’ page and let Martin know as we have a Facebook group for the trip