Soon be time for members to renew, this is the first time we have gone through the renewal process with our membership database. Information below
When is Renewal?
- 2018/2019 membership finishes 31 March 2019
- 2019/2020 membership starts 1 April 2019
How much is renewal fees?
Membership fees for next year same as this so:- Standard membership £5.00
- Standard membership with England Athletics £20.45
- Standard membership with second claim England Athletic £5.00
What are the dates
- 10 March 2019 – email to all members with payment request
- 31 March 2019 – membership for 2018/2019 finishes
- 1 April 2019 – membership for 2019/2020 starts
- 1 April 2019 – updates to those with EA and payments received starts to EA records (by us)
Pre-Authorised Payments
If you have pre-authorised payment, then payment will come from the bank account you have registered. We will be sending out the payments requests early in March (about 10th) as payment takes 10 working days to reach the club bank account. therefore, we receive the money by 1 April and can keep your membership continuousWhat do I need to do?
- Make sure your details are up to date on your club profile, especially your email address so you receive the payment request.
- If you do not want the payment to come out from your pre-authorised bank account or you have changed your bank account, log in and cancel or update your pre-authorisation, or tell us and we can do it
- If you want to change groups for your membership – mail us and let us know.
- If you do not want to renew, let us know and we will stop the payment request and your membership will end on the 31 March 2019.
- If you have linked membership, then we believe that the payment request will only go to the lead member