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Marathon Clinic Jan 2015

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Redway Runners are holding the first of their successful Marathon clinics on Tuesday the 13 January and have some great guest speakers lined up with; ** Sweatshop Milton Keynes, coming along to talk about the right runner gear for running a marathon, (apologies that they did not turn up on the night) — ** Mark Kleanthous, Ironmate, Mark after finishing last in a school boy cross country event his teacher said he would never run a marathon, 10 years later he ran in the first London marathon 1981 going back in 2015 to run again 35 years later because he can. Mark has ran  78 x marathons including eight times at the London marathon — ** Russell Hobbs, Russel is a regular runner in Milton Keynes and is a member of the 100 marathon club — Please arrive at 19:15 for a 19:30 start and we will be aiming for at 21:00 finish with plenty of opportunity for you to ask your questions The Clinic costs just £2.00 to attend for members and £4.00 for non-members, to book your place please pay your fee to the club bank account and complete the form below: Sort code: 301553 Number: 42390360 Name: Redway Runners Book early places are limited We have a second clinic on the 11 February, for details of this one click here Booking Form Send us mail on the form below
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