Redway Runners joining the 100 club
May 05, 2022
by Martin Lawrence
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Well Kerry and Jonathan may not look 100 but they are!!
Another story from the MK Marathon weekend was that Jonathan Clements finally reached the major milestone of running 100 marathons, WOW
A bit of stalking on Power of Ten shows his first marathon could have been Enigma 3 Lakes Challenge Day 3 on 15 October 2015 and in 2016 achieved his fastest time under 4 hours, the problem with Power of Ten is it does not show all races, so like all facts this could be wrong!!
But Bank Holiday Monday 2 May was his victory lap and has now earnt membership to the prestigious 100 marathons club
But, the good news does not finish there, then on Saturday (7 May) another Redway Runners member Kerry Cooper joined the 100 Marathons club and we think (hope not to be proved wrong) the first Redway Runners lady to join the 100 marathon club.
Kerry is not making it easy for herself as she did the Centurion Running, Thames Path 100 mile race following the Thames from London to Oxford.
A stalk this time on Run Britain of Kerry shows her first marathon at the Milton Keynes Marathon on 14 May 2014.
What a tremendous double achievement by both of them – hundreds of times well done.