Big Green litter pick week
May 28, 2020
by Martin Lawrence
Frontpage Article, Headlines, News Specials
For the first week of June, Monday 1 June to Sunday 7 June 2020, we are going to have the big Redway Runners litter pick in conjunction with National Volunteers week, we obviously cannot do this together as a group in the current situation.
So the idea is for one of your exercises / runs/ activities you go out an litter pick in your local area
Once you have done it take the bag home and leave it out with your normal collection of refuse
A few things to note
- Please do this safely and follow all government advice
- Please do this safely use own litter pickers, bags and gloves
- Do not overfill the bag as you need to carry it home without causing yourself injury
- Do not pick up anything inappropriate like glass, dog waste or needles ( Any sharps found should be left and the notified immediately to The Parks Trust Community Rangers on Community Ranger Please use to give the location or local parish council
- This is not a group event, so you are doing this at your own risk (you are NOT covered for personal or third party insurance by the Redway Runners or Parks Trust third party liability insurance)
- Under 13s should not take part
- Please follow current government guidance with regards to coronavirus, ensure you wash your hands and keep 2m social distancing from other park users at
After you have done the picking take a photo and share to the Redway Runners Facebook page
Lets help make Milton Keynes green