Corona Virus and Redway Runners
March 12, 2020
by Martin Lawrence
Frontpage Article, Headlines, News Specials
With the current position we are going to make some changes within runs in the club with the main aim of protecting everyone.
We are constantly reviewing what is going on and making plans as things change, so please keep watching this page for updates.
These changes are:
- Signing in at club runs, we will not have a book handed round, the run lead will use alternate methods. Such as a headcount on smaller runs, taking a photo or having a nominated person(s) writing names in the book.
- Runs that start inside buildings will meet outside the entrance (please keep entrances clear).
- If you are not well DO NOT attend runs.
- Run leads will structure sessions to avoid contact, this is mainly on interval sessions when we tag/handshakes or do relays etc.
- Of the limited equipment we use on runs this will be thought through and will be cleaned between runs.
We nrecorded a Facebook live special with Tim the Redway Runners medical lead and Martin Lawrence, club chair, on Sunday afternoon, lots of people found this useful and interesting you can watch at:
The situation is constantly changing the most up to date information relating to the club will be on our club Facebook page