On the run with Pet Hedges
September 16, 2016
by Martin Lawrence
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Name: Pet Hedges
Joined Redway Runners: 6 March 2015
We go on the run with our members and we find out a bit more about them – which we thought would be great to share, this time it is Pet Hedges
Thanks Pet
19 September 2016
When did start running and when did you join Redway Runners?
- March 2015
Have you run with other clubs how does Redway Runners Compare?
- Not run with another club.
What’s the best thing about being in a running club?
- The unconditional love, help and support that everyone gives all the time – I feel part of a big green family.
How much does running with RR mean to you?
- It means everything to me – I would never have achieved all the things that I have done so far without the support and encouragement from everyone in the club.
Tell us about your first time? (with Redway Runners)
- I was a bag of nerves when I got to David Lloyd as I had no idea what to expect, and I was truly terrified that I was far too slow and would hold everyone up. So I chose Leigh’s step up run….and loved it. Loved the fact that no one got left behind, and that everyone was so chatty and friendly. I haven’t looked back.
When and who do you run with the club?
- I try and do Monday evening club run, Tim’s Explorer run on a Tuesday, Neil’s Wednesday 6pm run if I get out of work in time, and some of the Sunday club runs.
- The list of who I run with is too long to list here – there are so many lovely people who I run and chat to – special mentions to Janet and Paul who I do most of my training with – and also everyone who comes out on a Thursday evening at Woburn woods, where we are guaranteed to get very lost and to laugh!!
Tell us your history of running?
- Just over 2 years ago I had a prolapsed disc in my spine which meant that I was in agony every time I sat down. If some of you wish to know the case of injuries, click here to find out what causes neck and back pain, here!The physio that put me back together pointed out that due to my height, unless I did some exercise that would build up my core strength, the disc would prolapse again. So I chose running. I had never run before, but set myself a target to run a half marathon in the year I turned 50 (which was last year). Somehow 1 half has turned into 16 so far, and also 2 marathons and 1 Ultra. Loads of 10Ks, a Wolf run and the Paras 10 run (which is the run that the Parachute regiment new recruits have to do as part of their training). I have more marathons and ultras planned this year – and still need to decide on next year’s challenge.
What has been you best running achievement?
- Being able to run over 50 miles a week regularly!! I never dreamed that this would be possible when I first started. An immense thank you has to go to Jen Sangster – she is always there for me with lashings of encouragement, help, advice and training plans!!
What is your running ambition?
- To carry on enjoying my running as much as I do at the moment. Still need to decide on next year’s challenge J
Why do you run?
- Because I can!! It has become part of my life. I get to see my friends a lot, stay fit and healthy, and it’s a brilliant way to de stress after a hard day in the office.
What would you do if you were not running?
- I would probably be out and about walking my dog, or horse riding. Phoebe (my dog) comes out running a lot with me now, and I fit in horse riding as and when I can.
Favourite place to run?
- Anywhere off road!
What do you love to see while running?
- Beautiful scenery and wildlife
Funniest running moment?
- Too many to mention, and they generally happen on our Thursday evening runs around Woburn woods.
What is your favourite running track and film?
- Don’t have either!
Tell us about your worst run?
- This has to be the Oakley 20 earlier this year. It was very warm, very hilly, I was running with a shin splint issue and it seemed never ending. Never again!! Nice hoodie though!!
Best running phrase?
- Run the mile you’re in – don’t worry about what’s still to come.
Favourite running photo and why? (please send it as well)
- Even though the Oakley 20 was my worst ever run, I did get my favourite photo from it – Janet and I crossing the line together. We had both struggled at times through the race, but somehow we managed to catch each other up and get us moving again. There was no way I was going across the line without her!!!
Have you ever lost your running mojo and how did you get it back?
- No – luckily I haven’t.
Best route around MK?
- I have a 10 mile route around some of the bridleways from Bottledump roundabout, up round the prison, round Crownhill and back.
Who would be on your wish list to run with?
- I’m lucky, as I get to run with everyone on my wish list all the time – all club members J
Do you always round up?
- 99% of the time – yes
Worst/Best advice you’ve ever been given?
- Running, nutrition and resting should form the 3 points of an equilateral triangle. It doesn’t matter if it’s a big triangle (if you are covering a lot of miles) or a small triangle (a smaller number of miles) – but the triangle should always be equilateral. And the importance of stretching properly!!
What did you learn from your first marathon, and what would you change?
- That you must listen to your body and go with what it tells you. And that it’s ok to walk.
What do you think about when you run?
- Anything and everything
What cross training do you prefer?
- I go to sweat yoga 3 times a week
What type of running do you prefer and why?
- Slow gentle trail running – you still cover the distance but you get the chance to enjoy the scenery.
Loop backs, love them for the social?
- I don’t mind a loop back or two on a social run. It’s a fantastic way to keep everyone together – but I generally choose to do a Club run on a Monday so I don’t have any loop backs after a busy running weekend.
Would you change your job if the hours didn’t suit running?
- No, as I would always find alternative times to run.
Run to time or distance?
- Distance!
If you don’t share your run in social media, did it happen? Where do you log your runs and do you stalk others runs?
- My runs are shared uploaded to Strava – if it’s not there, it didn’t happen J
What was your favourite race and why?
- New Forest Half last year – stunning scenery, brilliant organisation with lots of local support, ran with the ponies….literally…..and the miles just seemed to disappear.
Favourite race distance and why?
- Ultras – you get fed every 10K!!! Yes – I love food!!!
Tell us about your pre-race rituals and food and drink
- I always have a high calorie breakfast of granola and porridge with fruit before a long run. Apart from that I’m not always very organised, so can usually be found running around in a panic hoping that I haven’t forgotten anything.
If you could choose anywhere in the world to run, where would it be?
- I don’t really have an answer for this, but I tend to try and take opportunities to run in different countries as and when I find them. I am running in Berlin this year and Paris in 2017 so far – there will be more J
Favourite parkrun and why?
- I have only ever done Willen and Blickling (in Norfolk). I would have to say that Blickling is my favourite – it’s around the grounds of a National Trust property, and is so pretty.
What’s your one race essential?
- My Camelbak – lots of pockets to fill with snacks!!
Would you run a marathon without getting a medal?
- I might do if it was cheap to enter, and had alternative freebies at the end!!
Have you ever cried because you couldn’t get time of work for an event?
- No
Have you considered joining the cross country team?
- Yes – but don’t think I am good enough!!
What would you prefer, a PB or a win?
- Considering I have never won anything (and am never likely to) – a PB!!