Club news

Redway Runners Press Release 27 July 2015

July 27, 2015 by Martin Lawrence

Zero to Hero (Z2H) and weekly update


In early June 2015 thirty-two determined Redway Runner members embarked on the running club’s inaugural “Zero to Hero (Z2H)” programme.  The objective is to take the 25 ladies and 7 men from novice status to marathon runner in a year.  The final goal is to run the Milton Keynes Marathon on 2 May 2016.  All 32 were assigned mentors and encouraged to use the many club activities to prepare themselves for their long and testing journey.


Last Saturday saw the first major milestone on that journey when the participants ran with their mentors in the 5k MK parkrun at Willen.  All passed with flying colours and now move on to the next milestone of completing a 10k race in September.


Joining the Z2H participants at the parkrun was the latest batch of 40 Redway Runner beginners that have successfully made it through their 8 week beginner programme.


There was also an amazing achievement by 47 year old club member Veritie Yates who completed the prestigious 100 mile “Ultra Tour of the Lake District” race in an impressive 37 hours and 35 minutes coming 17th overall lady.


On Sunday the Redway Runners hosted the annual “Furzton Relay” event which saw 41 teams of 4 runners run tirelessly around a soaking wet Furzton Lake in search of a trophy.  The winning team was “AFF Fantastic Four” in 56.40.  Redway Runner team “Three men and a (very quick) lady” came 2nd in 57.56 and “Shenley Saints” were 3rd in 59.49.


Congratulations to them all!

25 July 2015 Z2H and Beginners Gradyuation MK parkrun Z2H 25 July 2015 parkrun group Z2H group mosaic picture Furzton Relay start 2015 Veritie pciture


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