Decathlon Open Evening – 24 January 2023
January 01, 2023
by Martin Lawrence
Frontpage Article, Headlines, News Specials
On Tuesday evening 24 January from 8pm to 9pm we are having an Open Evening exclusively for Redway Runners at the Decathlon store in Milton Keynes.
This would be an ideal opportunity to come along ask any question you have about the club or items in the store, and great for our new beginners to talk whilst not running.
We will have a Redway Runners table and you will be
- Able to try on the club kit for size before you buy online
- Find out more about our events including MK24
- Beginner groups run leads will be available to ask any questions you have
On the night Redway Runners get 10% of anything you buy and Decathlon will have a raffle as well.
Also at 7.30pm from the front of the store we have two separate runs for you to chose from, Beginners homework/easy Step up run with Glenn or a Social run with Luke.
The evening will also see the Launch of our Food Bank run for February 2023 and we will be collecting food for the MK Food Bank, please bring any donations to leave in the big green box
Also we will be having a sale of some items of uncollected standard kit, cash or card, £4 with a name and £5 without names, profit goes to club charity of the year – ask on night for the list of what is available
So a great chance to shop and talk running