Redway Runners complete New England Athletics Club Standards
January 11, 2023
by Martin Lawrence
Frontpage Article, Headlines, News Specials

England Athletics produced a set of Club Standards in line with legal legislation and the code of sports governance set out by Sport England to help clubs understand what they should have in place for good governance and duty of care.
Redway Runners have over the past year been working through these standards and doing a lot of work behind the scenes to complete each of the seven Standards
This work was led for the club by Michelle GB and I am pleased to say it has recently been completed – thank you Michelle.
One of the pieces of work was to make sure we had all the policies in place that we needed and they met the guidelines, we now have these and they are all on one page on the club website
If you are a runner with the club or a volunteer, run lead, coach or committee member you can read all the policies at:
Another important part is keeping your club information up to date, so please check the details you have provided on your Love Admin account, you can sign in and update at:
If you have any questions or concerns then please contact Michelle GB or Martin (
This is a great piece of work that ensures you club is properly managed, thanks to Michelle for all the hard work.