London Marathon 2021
February 09, 2021
by Martin Lawrence
Frontpage Article, Headlines, News Specials

Club Ballot
Ballot results for the 2021 London Marathon in October 2021, are out.
As a club we hope to get some places in the event, but we will not know how many till later.
Details of the club rules for entering the ballot are at:
Please note you will need to be a Redway Runners member and first claim with England Athletics on the 30 June 2020 AND 31 January 2021
So if you are eligible and you get the mail and rejected you need to mail it in to us at mails and your confirmation you have been rejected need to be sent in by mid-day 28 February 2021. (Dates may be subject to change depending on London Marathon information not yet issued – could be earlier than 28 February, not later)
Remember you must be member and 1st claim at 30 June 2020 and 31 January 2021 (instead of 31 Oct)
We will also confirm the method of the draw later.
London Marathon Coach
Redway Runners will be putting on a coach to ease your marathon day worries. The coach will follow the same successful format as previous years. Departing David Lloyd on Sunday 3 October 2021 at 6am then gathering us from Leicester Square at 18.00.
Tickets are £12.00 for the return journey
You can book up to 6 seats, subject to availability – no refunds
Members sign in to your Redway Runners Love Admin account, select ‘Events’ then the event and ‘More’ and book, log in at:
Non-members can book via this link: