Membership Renewals
February 15, 2018
by Martin Lawrence
Frontpage Article, Headlines, News Specials

It is getting to that time of year when club membership expires (31 March). Good news is club membership fees are staying the same at just £5 for another year, England Athletics have increased the fee to £15.
Anyway, you can renew now, the easiest way is to make payment (£5 or £20) to the club bank account:
- Sort code 301553 (Lloyds)
- Number 42390360
- Name; Redway Runners
Then drop a mail to to confirm you have paid – if any of your details have changed let us know – if however, you want England Athletics affiliation added to your membership and you have not had that previously then we will need a form.
If you want to renew by cheque then complete a form on the club web site (under join)
Put the completed form and payment in an envelope and pass to Martin at a club run or post to the address on the form. Cheques payable to ‘Redway Runners’.
If you have not joined yet then why wait!! the form is at the link below and if you join now membership last to the 31 March 2019