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Please help with your time

December 09, 2015 by Martin Lawrence
Frontpage Article, Headlines, News Specials, Redway Runners Stories

Can you help club members Mike and Sara-Jane who run with us across the daytime and evening runs with this – what a heart touching opportunity to help improve other peoples lives
Myself and my wife, Sara-Jane King joined RR 6 months ago. My aim was to get my waistline to sub 36” for the first time in 22 years, Sara Jane’s aim was to run with the club to improve her Marathon time. Over the last 6 months and, in spite of numerous footballing injuries hampering me, (right knee, left knee, toes, shoulder, back, whole body) I have fallen in love with running (on some runs literally falling…… on my nose!) As a result I will be potentially winning the 2016 London Marathon (if around 30,000 runners do not turn up on the day) on behalf of the Haemophilia Society.

The Haemophilia Society is a charity very close to mine and Sara Jane’s hearts, as our 18 month son Henry is a severe Haemophiliac. Aptly, Haemophilia is also known as Christmas Disease and with an eye on our surname is closely linked to the Royal Family. Henry is a very special case, alongside being able to consume more food in one sitting than a small country in Europe, he is also only the third infant in the world on a revolutionary new treatment for the condition. By running the marathon we hope to raise much needed funds for research into the treatment of Haemophilia and improve the quality of lives of those who have the condition. If you would like to find out more please visit Alternatively you can follow my progress on

Waitrose at Oakrove, where like me, I see many a Redway Runner enjoying a ‘free’ cup of coffee, have kindly allowed me to bag pack for their customers on Xmas Eve to help raise money for our Marathon appeal.  Thus, if any of you kind hearted RR’s would like to spare a little bit of time to help out for this very special cause between 8am to 12pm please contact me on

We also ‘bag packed’ last year at Waitrose and all those who helped said what a great atmosphere there was

Thanks for reading.

Kind Regards

Mike King


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