Redway Runners coming back
June 04, 2020
by Martin Lawrence
Frontpage Article, Headlines, News Specials, Press Releases
We are really pleased to let you know we will be very shortly starting runs again in the club, but starting with small steps
Under the new arrangements runners will need to self distance and runs will be limited to a maximum of 6 runners (including the run lead).
To attend a run you must be a current Redway Runners member and agree to the extra club guidelines.
You can then book up to two runs with the club a week as we will have very limited capacity of places
The pre-lockdown timetable is not operational and that is not being re-instated, at the moment your run leads are submitting runs up to the end of June, at times, days and locations to our special team who will set them up as ‘Events’ on Love Admin, so they should start to appear over the next few days
To find out more and see the guidelines, go to:
Please, remember, when you are at a run in the club you are representing the club, running and Milton Keynes and our actions will be closely watched by others
Also bear with us whilst we all get used to this new way of ‘running’ and we will review and adapt as we take this new journey for us all.