Social MK Biergarten
November 08, 2016
by Martin Lawrence
Frontpage Article, Headlines, News Specials

Great news, we have another social sorted – Club member Franzi has sorted for the MK Biergarten, Milton Keynes’ first (and so far only) micropub and bottle shop, to open its doors specially for club members (and guest) on on Tuesday the 20 December from 7pm to 10pm.
In German beer culture a Biergarten is a comfortable, friendly space and the MK Biergarten has a wide range of bottled and draft craft beer and cider both from the UK and further afield. They also sell soft drinks and wine by the bottle.
So a chance for a chat and drink with fellow club members before the Christmas break.
It is a fairly small pub, so we have a maximum number able to attend with room for up to 45 of us. So to limit numbers you will need to book a place, to book mail Martin at
Do not delay in getting yourself on the guest list