Under 18s – Under new Management
October 08, 2023
by Martin Lawrence
Frontpage Article, Headlines, News Specials

We launched our Under 18s group in March 2018 and it has been steadily growing, it was all set up and managed for the club by Doug, who has grown this area of the club to us now having 70 Redway Runners members who are under 18.
The group meet twice a week normally. They recently have had success with one of the teams winning one of the relays at the Squeaky Bone relay races.
But, sadly Doug has decided to step down from the role as circumstances have changed for him, would like to thank Doug for all the hard work that he has tirelessly put into managing, building and running the group for Redway Runners over the last five years, it is really appreciated.
Pleased to announce that Chris Lindesay has kindly offered to lead our Under 18’s group with the team that are already in place. Chris will also join the committee of the club representing the Under 18s till the next club AGM.
It is going to be exciting times for the youngsters going forward, if you want more about this group then details are at:
If you have any questions feel free to contact us at; rr@redwayrunners.com or for specific Under 18 question an email address on the page in the link