London Marathon 2018
October 22, 2017
by Martin Lawrence
Frontpage Article, Headlines, News Specials

Club Coach
Redway Runners will again be putting on a coach to ease your marathon day worries. The coach will follow the same successful format as previous years. Departing David Lloyd on Sunday 22 April 2018 at 6am then gathering us from Leicester Square at 18.00.
This year the coach will come at a reduced rate of £18 per seat.
To confirm your seat make your payment to the Redway Runners account
- Sort code – 301553
- Account number – 42390360
Then send James Down an email (
Both of these must be done to confirm your seat.
Thanks and Happy Running
Club Ballot
If you are not in London Marathon, see below if you want to be in the club ballot, the last date for entries to the club ballot is 20 November and the draw will be at the clubs Christmas meal and party on the 1 December.
Rules to be in the club ballot are at:
So, if you are eligible, keep the reject mail, letter or outer wrapper as appropriate (letters and wrappers we will accept scanned copied mailed over) and submit them
If you are in let Simon Richards know so you can be added to the ‘Who is Racing where’ page on the club web site.